Thursday, December 10, 2020

Lit Up

 The past couple of days I've been in a bit of a funk, so not much got done beyond dragging Christmas totes around and starting to sort through what I want to put out this year. Greg brought the tree in on Sunday, and I put it together yesterday. The kittens, of course, are very curious, and all over it. They were quite "helpful"...

Today I got the lights on, a process that takes me a few hours. I weave the lights up and down each side of each branch, so the tree is lit up inside and out. I learned this many years ago from my sister's sister-in-law who is a professional decorator, and have done it that way since. 

Late this afternoon Jess and Layla came over and I gave the girl the box of unbreakable ornaments to put on the tree. My plan is to keep the tree kitten-safe. That's where the decorating stands at the moment. Tomorrow I will get it finished so I can put away these totes and move on to more Christmas fun. We have a big afternoon on Saturday with our monthly "family chat" and we're all looking forward to it. 

It's been one of those days today when many things have gone askew. The last was when I was making supper. We had beef stew in the Instant Pot, and right before serving I was adding frozen peas. The bag was more open than I anticipated and several peas fell on the floor. I told Layla I pea'd the floor and she was horrified until she came in the kitchen. "No, Grammy, there are PEAS on the floor, you didn't PEE on the floor." 

And that's where I'll leave things for tonight. Tomorrow, we decorate. 


  1. Well sometimes grandmas do pee the floor. Shh I won't tell...

  2. Sweet Layla ❤️ When Elizabeth was about Layla’s age, we had had a busy, tiring day together ending with a trip to the park. When we were leaving the park, I said “I’m pooped”. Elizabeth was horrified and said “grandma, did you poop your pants?”

    I think only unbreakable ornaments is a great idea with new kitties.

  3. Oh, Elizabeth. But I do remember thinking the same thing when my mom said that when I was little.

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Thanks for sharing!