Saturday, January 5, 2019

Meat-full Freezers

Yesterday was a gorgeous sunny and warm day, so I got out to the garage and
dug around in the freezers for a bit. They're pretty full from all the meat we purchased in the summer and fall, but I was able to rearrange packages and get a good idea of what is available. Yes, there were even a few surprise packages that had been forgotten. Also, I learned a valuable lesson last week when I grabbed what I thought was one of several chuck roasts and took it to town and tucked it in Jess's frig for their Christmas dinner when the kids came home, but turns out it was beef shanks that I really really wanted to cook myself. She didn't discover it until she popped them into the crock pot, and didn't tell me until they were already cooking. Argh. Now when I give something away, I'll wear my glasses and confirm that it's the correct package rather than grabbing from a stack and assuming it's all the same.
We're down to less than 40 pounds of ground beef. It helps to know that so I can mete it out a tad more sparingly. We're low on chicken breasts, too, now that Zaycon has gone out of business, but still have lots of whole chickens from South Dakota.
And pork - there is a lot of pork.
Not much in the way of prepared freezer meals. One bag of Spanish rice, one bag of cooked black beans, and a bag of tomato sauce. Several jars of chicken broth, a jar of salsa, and a jar of walnuts.
Now that I've had eyes on every bit of foodstuffs that we have, I'll take the lists with me to work today and put together some meal plans for the coming weeks. This will be fun!


  1. I am trying to eat down the freezers, so nothing gets freezer burned and to save money. So far so good. As there are only two of us it is hard to eat a huge amount of food. I have to be more careful how much I stock up.

    1. We're the same. It's amazing to me how little food we really use up between the two of us. We feed the kids and grandkids pretty often, though, so I still cook "big" when they're here.

  2. I still have Zaycon BSCB but none of their ground beef. It was sad they closed.

    1. Me, too. I'm close to being out, and then I guess we'll go back to Sam's Club. It's just no comparison between the two for quality and flavor.


Thanks for sharing!